NAC 2023 Year End Report
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2023 was another successful year for the New Americans Campaign (NAC). NAC partners have empowered thousands of people in their path to citizenship, found new ways to engage immigrants on the importance of naturalization and civic engagement, and engaged in efforts to advocate for more equitable and just naturalization policies. We are thankful for all NAC partners’ collaborative efforts to help realize the dream of U.S. citizenship around the country.
Our team’s highlight of the year was the NAC conference. Seeing so many faces in person and the enthusiasm and commitment you bring to naturalization was inspiring. As we embark on this new year, we invite you to review our year-end report highlighting the NAC’s achievements in 2023. We are excited to further the impact of the NAC into 2024 and beyond.
Thank you for your partnership,
Lucia Martel-Dow