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Cesia Gonzalez: “You have to dream big!”

June 29, 2018
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My name is Cesia Gonzalez and I was born in Honduras, but came to the United States from El Salvador in 2013. My husband and I wanted to give our children a better future. I have a ten-year-old son and a five-year-old daughter who was five months old when we arrived. The United States so far has provided me with many opportunities like English classes, and I’ve also taken my children to programs at the library. And I studied to become a home health aide, which is the field in which I am now working. I believe it’s important to become a citizen because I will have more rights here and more opportunities than I currently do as a resident. I will also be able to better help my family. And I want to register to vote, because you have to dream big! Right now I’m taking English-language classes so that I can enroll in a nursing course, and I am hoping in the future to become a nurse.

Caption: Cesia Gonzalez comes one step closer to fulfilling her dreams at the New York NAC’s Bronx Zoo Mega Citizenship Drive (Photo Credit: Gail Ablow)